We The Physicists of Time

Within physics it is noted that no observable object remains unchanged by the observer. The concept that if you were to observe the objects of the room within their three dimensional functioning, your vibratory perception would affect how they were aligned within the physical realm. This idea states that when the observer is not present…

The Dreamscape of Existence

We’re born with a curiosity for answers, but entrained to believe that someone else will give them to us; that our life, like fairy tale, will be in turmoil until a saviour comes to provide us with everything we’ve been searching for. The pattern emerges that suffering exists so that we can anticipate someone to…

A Change in Perception

Pupils dilate, muscles relax, thoughts deepen, emotions heighten, the world spins within your head, and all at once your senses merge inducing a confusion of reality. Am I dreaming? No you’re not. Look above you and watch the stars appear on the darkened canvas; flicks of paint on your work overalls, particles on dust which…

You Want to Dream

You want to dream of what you can’t touch, of how things could be, of what everything really means? Then why are you here, sat in front of a television letting it absorb your unique thoughts with each pulsating pixel? Why are you slumped on the armchair sipping that chemically enhanced drink and drooling over…