The Masks We Give Ourselves

The philosophy that in life we have two options – Sink or Swim – seems to me to the self righteous judgement that achievement is better than failure. Yet failure teaches us to learn from the process, so that if we are ever faced with similar hardships we are better prepared. There seems to be…

The Dreamscape of Existence

We’re born with a curiosity for answers, but entrained to believe that someone else will give them to us; that our life, like fairy tale, will be in turmoil until a saviour comes to provide us with everything we’ve been searching for. The pattern emerges that suffering exists so that we can anticipate someone to…

Reevaluation of Values

For a while I have been living my life trapped under the illusion that I must follow a predetermined path; set out for me by society. Yet, what I never quite grasped was that life is more than this. That I could live exactly as I wished if i just opened my eyes a little…