Wordless Silence

There is a sort of poetry to silence, when all of life has come to a tranquil halt and we are left with only our own contemplations for company. We never truly experience silence in a natural sense however, as no matter how much we prepare our surroundings the bustle of life still occurs around…

Within Ourselves

There seems to me that we experience a strange kind of revolution when we progress through our 20s; it feels as if we go from a point of naivety in which we feel the world is golden beneath our feet into a sort of organisational purgatory. A place where the ground we walk upon is…

The Masks We Give Ourselves

The philosophy that in life we have two options – Sink or Swim – seems to me to the self righteous judgement that achievement is better than failure. Yet failure teaches us to learn from the process, so that if we are ever faced with similar hardships we are better prepared. There seems to be…

All That We Can Share

The connections that we weave between ourselves and others can never be broken; they may twist and warp with distance and time, however we remain forever tied to those we have interacted on any level with. It does not matter if that interaction was a simple smile or an intimate conversation. We carry fragments of…